Thursday, February 9, 2012

shamanic journey.

day 11. for those of you who know me well, you will enjoy this story! A shaman has many definitions. Of the many I have come across, the one I like most is: "one who sees in the dark"...

Today we went on a shamanic journey, led by a retired gastroenterologist. Sage was burned, the essence is suppose to clear the space. We all laid on our backs with a light cloth covering our eyes to truly create darkness. We began our journey while listening to the rhythmic beats of the drum, which is suppose to aid in shifting our awareness. The intention of our journey was to retrieve our power animal. The belief is that everyone has a power animal, an animal spirit that resides in us giving both power and protection against illness.

I'll share a few details of my journey to give you an idea. I began in the lush jungles of some place I imagine was South America. I moved through pushing the lush greenery to the side and then fell down a hole. I landed in darkness, but could feel the earth under my feet. The first animal I saw was a chimpanzee. Absolutely beautiful and endearing. As much as I love chimps, I just knew I had found my power animal. But within moments, the chimpanzee left. I wanted it to come back and stay. I next saw an elephant and thought this would be a lovely power animal, so strong and powerful. But the elephant too quickly left. I next saw a tiger who only stayed for a brief moment and then to my surprise I saw a cobra! Yes a snake and it didn't leave. I had some trouble breathing initially, but then when I realized the snake was indeed my power animal, I embraced it and we went on a journey together. The irony is that I am petrified of snakes. The mere thought gives me palpitations and anxiety. The fear is so profound that I avoid hiking because of the possibility of encountering a snake. I dream and fear of snakes all the time. It's almost unbelievable, but then not really that the snake is my power animal. Do you get it? It's amazing to me. The snake symbolizes transformation and healing. So after my experience, I do have less fear of snakes and actually hold reverence for the animal...I suppose time will tell if my fear has truly vanished...what an experience!

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